White Belts in Life with CMatch

WBiL #8 - 1000 Total Downloads!

Episode Summary

Our brave & noble 1-Stripe Hosts ride solo for the 9th edition of the "White Belts in Life" Podcast.

Episode Notes

Fellow White Belts! Assemble!

Class is now in session, for the 8th official episode of the White Belts in Life Podcast is upon us.

We are back to celebrate with all of our wonderful White Belts in Life, how dare you think that we'd abandoned you!

After a week off, our 1-Stripers get together to discuss the rash of deaths in the bodybuilding community, touch upon Mayweather vs. McGregor one last time, use Jon Jones' positive test as an opportunity to discuss PED use in all of sports, and briefly mention the Charlottesville events in what is hopefully a very measured (and somewhat frightened) manner.

Thanks to all of our fellow White Belts who have listened, and hopefully enjoyed thus far!

We've reached 1000 total downloads of the show within the first 70 days of its existence. We are both shocked and elated that this has occurred. May the spirit of Rippetoe bless you all.

To celebrate this momentous occasion, we're giving away a romantic evening with our lovely host Rick Robotin (could be a man date too). This very special evening will be given away to the first person that leaves us a written iTunes review greater than 240 characters in length.

You can find a link to our iTunes page in the show notes.

Until next time.


Intro/Outro Music - "Pink Glass" by Heavy Temple

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